Posted in Blog Awards

The Liebster Blog Award



I would like to give a big Gracias to Cecilia Maria from Dance Immaculata for nominating my blog for the Liebster Blog Award.  Please make sure to visit her beautiful blog which combines Catholicism with the artistic expression of dancing.  I accept this award with a big smile and a heart full of gratitude.

Here are the rules for accepting the award:

1.Thank the person who nominated you and include a link back to their blog.

2.List 11 random facts about yourself.

3.Answer the 11 questions given to you.

4.Create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate.

5.Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate and include links to their blogs.

6.Go to each bloggers page and let them know you have nominated them.

Rule #1: See the Introduction above

Rule #2:

1)      I am Peruvian-American. My parents are from Lima, Peru and I am a New Yorker.

2)      I am currently working for an Early Childhood Intervention Program as a teacher’s assistant.

3)      I enjoy reading books.

4)      My exercise regimen is walking everywhere.

5)      I love fashion from flipping the pages of magazines and catalogues to visiting fashion blog or watching the fashion runway.

6)      My nickname in Junior High School was Pebbles due to my red hair.

7)      Yes, I am Hispanic despite my European look which I contribute genetically to my Great Grandfather who was German Jewish – I have red hair and hazel eyes.

8)      My father chose my name because he loved Jacqueline Bisset and Jacqueline Kennedy.

9)      My mother has the best advice due to her schooling called life experience.

10)   I am the “baby” in the family. I have an older sister.

11)   I have an obsession with Jane Austin’s books

12)   I live across the street from my parish. A good motivation to be holy.

Rule #3:

1-      Who/What inspires you the most to follow you dreams? My faith and family inspire me to follow my dreams.

2-      Are you a tea drinker or a coffee drinker? Tea drinker, I believe my mother and I drink more than the English.

3-      When you are all alone and dancing from your heart, what style describes said dance?  It usually depends on my mood. If I am happy or joyful I dance to upbeat music with a Spanish style.

4-      What is your favorite meal of the day? My favorite meal of the day is Breakfast.  It could be oatmeal, eggs, coffee or tea and milk with cereal.

5-      Luke Skywalker or Han Solo? Luke Skywalker

6-      When you need to retreat from the world, where do you go? I go to church or my mother’s bedroom.

7-      Fresh water lake or salty ocean? Fresh Water Lake. Salty Ocean tastes nasty especially if you drown.

8-      What is your favorite flower and why? My favorite flower is a rose. I believe that it means your mother from heaven is with you.

9-      If you were to go to the opera, would it be forced or by choice? By choice.  I love opera, though I never went to see a live performance.

10-   If you could choose, would you prefer to play a musical instrument or dance? I prefer to sing or play a musical instrument like the piano or guitar. My sister is the dancing queen.

11-   What was the last book you read? The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves.

Rule #4: These are the 11 questions that I have created for the nominated bloggers:

  1. Do wear mostly pants or dresses while at work?
  2. Who do you run to if you had a bad day?
  3. What is the best advice you ever received?
  4. Which one do you prefer, cooking or eating out?
  5. If your life was a reality show, which theme song would you chose?
  6. Why do you think bad things happen to good people?
  7. When do you feel at peace?
  8. How do you handle difficult people?
  9. If you were a fashion designer, who would be your muse?
  10. Favorite Movie Genre: Action packed fight or teary heart felt romance?
  11. What was your favorite subject in school?

Rule #5: Here are the 11 nominated bloggers-

  1. Up to My Toes
  2. Not a Minx, a Moron, or a Parasite
  3. Domestic Diva, M.D.
  4. More like Mary, More Like Me
  5. Come Further Up
  6. Dixie Grit
  7. Marian Style
  8. Stethoscopes, Style and Grace
  9. The Real JZ
  10. Fresh Modesty
  11. The Country Handmaiden

Rule #6: Go to each bloggers page and let them know you have nominated them.

Now it’s your turn, nominees…

Posted in Blog Awards

What an honor, I received two blog awards!

I just received two awards.  I must acknowledge that I am very new in this blog world, and that I am still learning.  I feel very privileged that I received these awards from a catholic nurse, 8 Kids and a Business.  Please check out her blog, she is truly an inspiration not only as a nurse but also as a Catholic and mother.

Like any acceptance speech, I would like to thank God and Mother Mary.  All the Glory is for you.

Here are the rules for the Super Sweet Blogger Award:

1.Thank the blogger(s) who gave you the award and link back to their blog.

2.Nominate other blogs for this award and let them know.

3.Post the award on your blog.

4.Answer 5 questions:

■cookie or cake? – Chocolate chip cookie

■chocolate or vanilla ice cream? – chocolate of course

■what is your favourite sweet treat? – Ferrero Rocher

■when do you crave sweet things the most? – When I have an empty stomach or a sweet tooth

■if you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? – Sweetie pie

The rules for the Thought Provoking Award are as follows:

1.Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

2.Post the award on your blog.

3.Nominate other bloggers for this award and let them know.

4.Share 7 facts about yourself.

7 facts about me:

1)            I speak Spanish: Soon I will put up a new category for my Spanish post in this blog

2)            I can sing and dance.

3)            I am learning a new hobby: it’s arts and crafts.

4)            My mother is my role model.

5)            I love fashion, but I am not a shopaholic.

6)            I still do not know what kind of nurse I want to be.

7)            I pray the rosary every day.

Here are three blogs I am nominating for both awards:

1)      M.D. for Chirst: Reflections of a Catholic Medical Student

2)     Medical Matins: Every bed another altar, every patient another Jesus

3)      My Spare Oom: A cozy little room filled with heaps of books, songsheets, clothes, ponderings, thoughts,…and of course, a cup of hot chocolate